Portable Valet Podiums
TransTech works out of an 8,000 sq. ft. facility to create custom valet podiums with your brand in mind. We offer a number of different materials to choose from. If you are looking for portable valet podiums for sale, we also have ready-made podiums that can be further customized and delivered to any location in UAE. Request your design consultation session today!
- Can be customized based on your requirement of equipment to be stored
Lightweight aluminium or MDF
Custom LED push-through signage created in-house
Modern, lightweight designs
Complementary 3D design
​Precision-cut sticker branding matching your exact brand pantone (3M, Mactac, etc.
1 or 2 year warranty on kiosk including LED, fabrication & branding


1 Year


Heat Dissipation

Stay In The Loop
At TransTech, we understand that transparency with clients is more important than ever before. That is why we've developed a Project Update System that will tell you the exact status of your project. Get weekly updates about the progress of your project, including the completed scope and HD photos. Never stay in the dark again!
Dedicated account manager
Weekly updates about your project
Instant notification by email/WhatsApp
HD photos of the latest progress
Understand what's coming next